Georgia Officials Failed Voters and Our Democracy

ATLANTA — Aklima Khondoker, All Voting is Local Georgia state director, issued the following statement on Georgia’s June 9 primary, where—due to a lack of statewide elections procedures, widespread polling place closures, a backlog of absentee ballot requests, and machine breakdowns—voters were barred from turning in their ballots and are still waiting in lines as long as five hours to vote:

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Passage of Election Regulation on Hand Counting Diminishes Accuracy, Efficiency, and Security of Elections

September 28, 2023 CARSON CITY, Nev. —  In response to the Nevada Legislative Commission voting to adopt Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar’s election regulation recommendations pertaining to hand counting, All Voting is Local Senior Campaign Manager Mary Janet Ramos issued the following statement:  “All Voting is Local is disappointed in…

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