Philadelphia General Election Vote By Mail Requests Show Stark Disparities By Race

PHILADELPHIA — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania today released two tools to track absentee ballot requests for the 2020 general election across the Commonwealth and in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia tool includes a new analysis that reveals stark disparities in vote by mail requests in predominantly Black and Brown precincts. Although the gap is statewide, it is most stark in Philadelphia. Using Census data we found that in predominantly white precincts, 31% of voters have requested their vote by mail ballots compared to 22% of voters in predominantly Black precincts and 17% in predominantly Latino precincts.

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Budget Cuts Will Put up Barriers to the Ballot

MILWAUKEE — All Voting is Local Wisconsin State Director Shauntay Nelson issued the following statement on the Wisconsin Joint Finance Commission’s decision to remove voting rights provisions, such as automatic voter registration and a voter bill of rights, from Gov. Tony Evers’ 2021 - 2023 proposed budget:

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Media Advisory: Voting Rights Leaders to Assess Arizona Primary, Urge November Election Reforms

On Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 11 a.m. MST/PDT, voting rights experts and advocates from All Voting is Local Arizona, One Arizona, Election Protection Arizona, Arizona Advocacy Network & Foundation, Indian Legal Clinic, Arizona Coalition for Change/Our Voice Our Vote Arizona,  Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, and Living United for Change in Arizona will host a telephone press briefing to evaluate the primary election this week and offer recommendations for avoiding critical problems in the general election. 

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Data Show 2020 Nevada Election Reforms Helped Voter Turnout Surge

LAS VEGAS — New data analysis by All Voting is Local Nevada, a member of the Let Nevadans Vote Coalition, revealed that the Nevada Legislature’s 2020 election reforms, such as mailing a ballot with prepaid return postage to every active, registered voter, helped increase turnout for every demographic group in the state, with Native American voters having the highest turnout of any group. 

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Florida Officials Must Extend Early Voting, Vote by Mail Deadlines Amid Coronavirus Concerns

Amid growing concerns about coronavirus ahead of the March 17 primary, All Voting is Local, Common Cause Florida, Election Protection and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law urge Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee to extend the days and hours of early voting, extend the vote by mail deadline, open additional vote centers in all counties on Election Day, and use emergency funds to notify voters directly of any voting changes.

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All Voting is Local Statement on Pennsylvania’s Primary Obstacles

All Voting is Local State Director Scott Seeborg issued the following statement in response to Pennsylvania’s primary election, where voters in Black and Brown communities needlessly faced long lines and confusion at the polls because of last minute polling place closures, voting machines that didn’t work, a lack of ballot drop boxes, and a militarized police presence at or near some locations in Allegheny and Philadelphia counties:

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