All Voting is Local to Urge Philadelphians to be Vigilant About Changes to June Election

PHILADELPHIA - All Voting is Local Pennsylvania today announced a campaign to urge Philadelphia voters to return their mail in ballots by the June 2 primary election deadline and alert them to massive polling place changes throughout the city. This week of action includes a virtual town hall on Thursday where voting rights advocates and state officials will encourage voters to use the various options at their disposal to exercise their right to vote

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Too Many Ballots of Last Resort – Disparities in Provisional Ballot Use in Ohio’s 2020 Election

Against the backdrop of a lethal pandemic, Floridians turned out in record numbers to cast vote by mail ballots in the November 3, 2020, general election. Although the state’s election ran smoothly, more than 47,000 Floridians—the majority of whom were people of color, younger voters, and first-time voters—had to follow-up with their elections supervisor to fix or “cure” their ballots before they could count. In this report, we examine these disparities and offer recommendations on how Florida’s 67 counties can make the process and validating of mail ballots uniform so that all voters can make their voices heard.

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Turn Up Tuesdays Arrives in Pennsylvania to Confront Disruptions to June 2 Primary

PHILADELPHIA - All Voting is Local and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, in conjunction with its joint And Still I Vote℠ campaign, will host events this week to urge Pennsylvania officials to ensure a free, fair and safe primary on June 2. Pennsylvania voters will face a series of barriers to the ballot due to last-minute changes amid COVID-19 and protests across the country, including sudden polling place changes, reduced public transportation accessibility, heavy National Guard presence, and confusing rules about voting by mail.

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